Friday, February 2, 2024

2 February 2024: English Civil War

Finished my Orders Cards for the New Model Army tonight. There may be a slight problem printing though because I haven't generated alignment marks (ex-Bureau Operator for a typesetter) for both front and back sides. No mind. Here are my A4 sheets. If I haven't already stated the ruleset is Victory Without Quarter by Clarence Harrison, Quindia Studios. It's free and it's very brief. Another quick-play set favoured by the gaming group who have played Field of Glory. Perhaps they were looking for a change of pace? 

There are four basic Orders Cards associated with this ruleset: HOLD, MOVE, MANOEUVRE, CHARGE. One set per unit. There are several others cards necessary with these rules: ARTILLERY (x2), RELOAD (x2), TURN OVER. Also COMMANDER cards are added for the C-in-C and brigade commanders. Other cards can be added for specific scenarios as well (up to scenario writer) as an option. 

Here is one sheet for my New Model Army just for show to prove I'm not talking ka-ka. Hoping to get started on this project around late March when the first batch of minis arrive from the UK. 

In the meantime, still plenty of other to-do stuff lying about the studio. And games to finish. Cheers.

Sheet 4 - Hold Order card sheet: Hold your position. Morale tests for Shaken or Routing units. If beyond musket range (12") any Steady unit under Hold orders may remove a Reload Marker.

Back of the cards. First attempt. May upgrade later but suffice to say, it will do, Donkey. The backing colour is supposed to be Venice Red which was the official uniform coat colour for the New Model Army. 

As mentioned in last post, I've gone with B8 size (normal playing card) for the individual card sizes. But I have assembled the individual cards for printing onto an A4 sheet. The back side is purely optional, one can forego the backing altogether and just use the front sheet - just cut out the pieces and paste to normal playing cards. Bob's your uncle! 

Aw bugger it! One of my fundamental reasons for doing this is to make things accessible and free to use. Here are the rest of the Orders sheets created.

Sheet 5: Move Order sheet.

Sheet 6 - Manoeuvre Order sheet. Yes, I still use the old English-French version of the word. 

Sheet 7 - Charge Order sheet.

Sheet 3 - the Others Order sheet. Four Officers (Fairfax, Cromwell, Skippon, Ireton), two Artillery, two Reload, and one Turn Over (reshuffle the card deck and start new turn). I'm still considering doing the individual unit commanders (all fifteen of them. Or is it fourteen?). Will make a decision eventually. That's the cards done. Next task? Flags, done my way. Ka ki te ano. 

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