Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Problem with WOWS and Steam?

Noticed that record of hours spent playing WOWS increase by 0.5 hour every time I login for a new session through Steam. Been keeping record of hours spent playing since I started keeping records, and it has always been consistently the same whenever I log out and then log in the next day. But lately, since the new update, it's changed. Now I notice that when I log in the next day the tally has incremented by half an hour. Someone asked this of Steam in the community some time back about the discrepancy; they were told it was nothing to get overly concerned about. Also that it had something to do with Steam not being updated by the WOWS servers regarding hours played. Poster was basically told to let it slide as it was an insignificant matter. Well, it's not really. I will keep tabs on this if it continues into the next Update in which case I will then query Steam. Not worth bothering WOWS over it because they don't care: their customer service is very much a hit-or-miss affair anyway these days.

UPDATE - 18 Jan: Yeah, server was down all day and night Thursday. Not sure why but it was up and running and business as per usual Friday. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ECW - Royalist flags Part One - Cavalry

My own research so far using the interweb because it's still relatively cheap and free. Besides, why reinvent the wheel...well sorta. No claim is made that the research below is definitive and authoritative. I've used a few online sources that I already know of and which can be cross-referenced so I am satisfied that it's reasonably accurate. Any errors or claims made are entirely of my own doing. 


Started with Prince Rupert's Lifeguards because it was the first name I could recall from my projected army list.

Prince Rupert's Lifeguards (Cavalry) is a small unit of two stands. Represents his personal escort, so to speak. 

Standard for the unit is based on an image I spotted on one of them reenactment sites showing the family crest - the Palatinate-Simmern branch of the Wittlesbach dynasty. This was further supported when I looked up Rupert's historical background. Born in Prague, Bohemia. Family fled to Holland where he grew up. Fought in the Thirty Year's War so had the military experience if not the sense or people skills. Accepted invited by his uncle, Chucky the First (mother was Chuck's sister) to serve in England which he did. Knew of him as being the epitome of a Cavalier (back in the 70s) who was often impetuous but a solid field commander. 

Crude image (above) using MS Paint based on the image in wikipedia. Detail is ok for my modelling needs as it will be scaled down considerably for 25mm gaming. 

Saddlecloth is blue with double trim in gold/yellow.


Next unit up is Lord Cary/Carey's Horse. It will consist of four stands. As luck would have it, I happened across a source already known to me - a blogsite. Dude does his research and therefore acceptable to me as a reliable source - at least on what he present. The standards of this unit features what was common knowledge back then - the Parliamentarian Earl of Essex's infamous cuckolding episodes with his politically-sanctioned marriage alliance. It was used mercilessly by the Royalists as a jibe at their foes. No doubt it was returned in kind by the Roundheads in some of their cavalry standards although winning the war was probably more useful than some taunting.

The creature purports to be a fox, the significance of which is explained by a comment on the source's blogsite. The quote is clear enough. And this is the Colonel's standard. 


Had a bit of a search for Prince Maurice's Dragoons. Originally raised and called Ussher's Dragoons, it shared the more noted royal's name after Prince took the unit under his command after Ussher was killed. The actual commander was a chap named Washington. If that sounds familiar, apparently a cousin migrated to the land of the West Greenland and one of his descendants got famous enough to have his portrait on the dollar bill. Who'd have thunk that?!

Anyway, Washington remained commander of the dragoons right up to war's end when they surrendered Worcester. The source I found is one of those reenactment groups although I am not sure if it's still active. However it does have some useful information regarding the formation, its origins and uniforms. 

The cornets (cavalry standards not the delicious trumpet-shaped ice cream in a cone) mentioned are from Parliament capture notes. They list Washington's dragoons as having (I quote from the article) cornets that are "...white with blue and white fringe; the first had a plain white field except for the canton with the cross of St George and the second also has a white field with a red stream blazant from the top corner to the middle....Interestingly, both follow the Foote's pattern of company identification and are square in dimensions..." (unquote).

And in another mention, a white dragoon standard was captured at Marston Moor but whose identity is unknown although I believe the article author was hinting that it may have been one of Washington's troop colour captured. It was (to quote the language of the times) a "...white Coronet of dragoones with a blew and white fringe in the midst of whereof is painted a roundhead have, and on its top the letter P. (which is conceived to signifie a Puritan) with a sword in a hand reaching from a cloud, with this mott,    FIAT IUSTITIA. (Let Justice be Done)..." (unquote).

From that I get the understanding that the cornet had a white field with blue and white fringe. What is within the white field offers two choices. I will make a decision in due course but here are the two mentioned above.

The most interesting part of the article however was the uniform. The reenactment group revealed four different issues that they use for their reenactment. I an simply repeating the article's designation for them - Issue 1, Issue 2, Civilian doublet, Oxford Army. The last was the most complete (if you were lucky to receive the full issue). 

Red is the common colour (the unit was from the Midlands) although cut and quality was as individual as the people wearing them. Colour fast was not as good as it is today so even if issued the same cloth, its colour may fade over time due to the effects of weather, and natural wear and tear plus whatever other ailment afflicting the wearer. 

Breeches are of varied cut and colouring - grey, brown, black, red...etc. Hose is usually of two types - a heavier fitted loosely over a stocking with the colouring for both being whatever was issued or available at the time. Shoes could be half (open) or closed sided. Dragoons carried three basic types of muskets ranging from the foot slogger's long version to the short dragon musket that could be slung off the shoulder.


Did not expect to find anything but I was pleasantly surprised although the source I happened was not one I expected to find. But it is affirmed by another more flag-oriented site.

The source was quite specific about the details - French Royal Blue field with 28 gold fleur-de-lis and the Queen's crown in the upper top part. The fringe looks to be in gold. The image above is not the best. Perhaps I will redo using MS Paint (again). Two versions of fringe - the one above and the second had blue and gold fringe (lost at Naseby). 

Small unit. Mustered in 1643 with 700 English Royalist and French (Queen's supporters). Had a reserve compliment of 150. No doubt those numbers would have dwindled fast through campaign attrition and replacements made up whatever they could recruit. At least that's my speculation. 


This collection of hard-hitting but ill-disciplined fighters came from the Northern support base. From the varying sources, the unit was a collection of many smaller units that banded to form one conglomerated unit. This would mean their standards would pertain to the individual small subordinated units that made up the unit whole. I have seen images from other blogs showing "Northern Horse" and recognised that the mission therefore will be to identify the component smaller units and replicate their flags into my list. 


Even though it's not officially part of the list, I've included this unit because I would like a backup reserve unit to use as a switch. Unfortunately I don't have the figures to complete this unit (yet). A full 4-stand unit. Notable for its plain dull green saddlecloth. 

Two useful sources offer two versions. The first shows a unit in green with green flag with green and white/straw fringe with a scrolled motto. This is the one that appeals to me and has stayed in my memory uppermost. 

The other version shows a unit in mostly buff coats, dull green saddlecloth (untrimmed) and a pale blue flag with pale blue and white fringe and some abstract image. A third source supports the second version for cornet colours but has no image shown. A fourth (albeit confusing) source states that the Earl of Northampton's regiment had "four blue colours" taken, one assumes, at Marston Moor (1644). Further investigation warranted. 


Why not use proper flag books as there are many really good ones out there? I've asked myself that one too many times and never really come up with a simple and satisfying answer. Perhaps because I know so very little about the period and am enjoying educating myself as I journey into the period. This is certainly one sure way of the knowledge sticking firmly. At least that's my explanation and justification. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

ECW solo campaign -preparations

Last night began rereading the campaign ruleset The War Without An Enemy and figured to use the campaign rules for the overview while for each battle or engagement I will go with Victory Without Quarter. Of course, there will be lots of tweaking to ensure things run smoothly. 

I will be using both my 25mm Hinchliffes armies assembled for VWQ. The Royalists will join in while being painted. I would love to add Scots and Covenanters down the track if all goes well, however that's for the future to decide. 

Lessons learned (well, most of them) from the Borodino refight will be implemented so that burnout doesn't happen all too often with such projects. 

In tracing the origins of the campaign ruleset, I stumbled across a boardgame of the same name which has been redesigned as a block boardgame. What caught my interest however were the cards made especially for the boardgame. And excited me enough to consider replicating something similar for my campaign game. This is what I consider and will definitely follow through on for as Gunny Highway would proclaim, "Improve, Adapt, Overcome!" And one can do that in solo gaming: take what's given and mould it to your specific needs.

The logistics side of TWWAE is the appeal; it adds colour to the core tabletop battlefield game; and this is what I will be pushing for with my next sorta-major solo effort. Of course, it will have to fit in with all my other planned projects and activities for 2025 which I have dubbed the Year of Diminishing Outcomes. 


Friday, January 3, 2025


New Year's Greeting

Lancashire Games are winding up their winter sale. 20th January is close date. Hurry in for deals on nearly everything.

World of Warship. With the end of this latest Update, so will my journey with WOWS wind down. Got my 600 ships and will soon revert to playing once a week. Missed out on the rare ships I was hoping would drop but that's how the cookie crumbles.

Tabletop miniatures. As discussed in numerous previous posts, will concentrate more on my pile of shame collection. 

Wargames. New solo campaigns? Most likely.

Paintings. My new focus. Will take a while to warm up but I am focussed nonetheless.



Tuesday, December 24, 2024

World of Warships

20 December 2024

Repeating what was done with Chapter 1 of the Battle Pass event. It costs more for sure. For 45 points, or 1200 BASE XP, two Festive certificates are awarded. With nineteen days left, that's roughly fifty-plus certificates or at least ten Megas. Maybe a ship will drop then.

23 December 2024

The Advent Calendar is unreliable. It usually unlocks around 10am AEST. Today however unable to claim the reward. Keeps saying "Available soon". How soon? Tomorrow? Then it will be two rewards.

Two more ships left to go (aside from the Dockyard Niord which I am continuing to grind). 

Acquired Satsuma today which I played when they first started the whole supership thing. Played both the Satsuma and Hannover in some forgotten event. Promptly forgot thereafter although I enjoyed both in the few Random games played. 

Because I'm determined to finish the year on six hundred ships, I'm having to spend hoarded credits on superships, carriers, and submarines - ships I rarely play, especially the last two classes - in order to achieve this goal. Maybe run them in Asymmetrics to recoup some of the lost credits? Best bet would be to run those Enhanced Credit Income premiums instead.

Ship drops have been disappointing in terms of rare ones. So far, this Christmas, only received two rare ones from the nearly thirty ships dropped. Can't complain because I never thought I would make six hundred. But now there's a real chance it will happen.

Noticed a trend after viewing several other Mega drops on YT. The ships are much the same for nearly all which seems to be standardise. Much like the daily coal crates. Supercontainers continue to spew garbage rewards.  

24 December 2024

Usual cmdr-upskill grind today which for now is the new "normal routine". List includes Unique or Legendary commanders Swirski (Europe), Lisboa (Pan-America), Auboyneau (France), Kuznetsov (USSR). Seasoned commanders include Doe (USA), Jutland (Germany), Dunkirk (UK), and Honore (France). The remaining duo are normal commanders Hallgren (Europe) and seasoned de Ruyter (Holland).

Battle Pass bonus rewards. So far, since Chapter 2 began on Thursday, I now have eleven Festive Certificates which is just over two Mega crates worth (remember 5 festives trades for 1 Mega. Going for Gift crates is really not worth it unless you're only after resources instead of ships, but even so Megas offers more for value). 

Cost? Nothing but time. 

Normally first game is sufficient because of the leftover from the previous day's session. That leftover DOES eventually whittle down to zero but if my calculations are correct, that won't happen until Monday (30th December), and the last day of the event (9th Jan 2025).

For example, today's effort yielded the usual two Festive certificates. The leftover value is +20. Tomorrow I just have to play one game to get the next two Festive certificates; the leftover value will be +15 after I've completed the second task (1000 Base XP). Diminishing value is -5 per day. 

Every Thursday besides the usual 45 points an additional 50 points (two attempts of 2000 Base XP for 25 points apiece) unlocks. This means Thursday is a booster day yielding four Festive certificates instead of the usual two. For a total of 3200 Base XP. Or at least ten games. 

Why waste time grinding for no reason?

Cheers. And Merry Christmas.


27 December 2024

Decided to whale in order to cross the 600-ship line. Paid for 20 Megas. Converted the pool of accumulated Festive certificates for another 3 Megas. 

And succeeded. 603 to be exact. 

Ships acquired include Tier V - Kamikaze R; Tier VIII - Asashio, Massachusetts, Kutusov, Fenyang.

Happy New Year.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

15 December 2024

World of Warships

Keeping an active record of the Event Pass bonus rewards now. Still cannot explain the loss of fifteen points so this will hopefully jog the memory.  The new chapter for the Battle Pass event commences Thursday. The missing 15 Battle Pass points (for the bonus rewards) would have enabled me to obtain 2 Megas instead of the 1 Mega and 3 Gift crates now projected. Sneaky WG. Very sneaky.

Above shows prior to gaming for the bonus points. Daily it is 1200 Base XP - one costs 200 Base XP and is worth 20 points while the other costs 1000 Base XP and worth 25 points. Total therefore is 45 points per session; you need 50 points to receive the 2 Festive certificates. Any excess over 50 points carries over to the next session (which is usually daily for me). Every week you get two more additional chances for rewards, both cost 25 points each but each needs to earn 2000 Base XP to receive those bonus points. Unfortunately they're a one-off thing per week.  

After earning the points as shown above. Roughly it takes six or seven games in Co-Op mode, less in Randoms or Ranked I believe. This is a very cheap and convenient way of earning Megas (remembering that five certs exchanges for one Mega) that I've stumbled on by accident. It means going through the Event phases as quickly as possible, i.e. advancing quickly by paying through the phases. Hoping to repeat it for the next chapter with Olaf which starts next Thursday. 

Primarily using doubloons to obtain Megas instead of straight cash - when I have enough dubs. Going with 8 Megas instead of the more expensive 20 lot. 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Observations upon comments

Warhammer 40K - Episode 5 of the Secret Levels series

Interesting read of many of the comments regarding the suicide mission of Titus and his 40K comrades. 

(1) Comments of correction on the credits. Someone tried to correct the crediting the main foe as not a Tzeentch sorcerer but some pumped human corrupted who practiced the bird-beaky's way. Well, interestingly enough, Tzeentch sorcerers can be human too. Also why would the producers, who sourced the information directly from 40K, be so wrong that someone who believes they know better calls them out on it? 

(2) Many 'fans' of Syama Pedersen's style of work noticed it throughout Episode. He is even credited as part of the creative team. Yet some love to speculate that he played a greater role in the production. I'd like to think not. I'm just happy to see that his original work, Astartes, had such a profound effect and set a high bar according to many that has not always been met. Until now. Maybe he was more involved and that there are those wanting to take greater credit. It's possible but I'd like to think not. I prefer to believe he was PART of the creative process and not the main force behind the work. Consulted maybe, but not credited as a director or supervisor.  

(3) We're all in agreement though that it's easy to rewatch Episode 5 several times over because it's that good. It just sums up what Space Marines are meant to be - powerful yet fluid superhumans capable of serious damage. Not clunky robotic jerks who fall over at the merest wind gust! They are the front-line against the Warp. There is no room or place for namby-pampy wishy-washy emotional claptrap with agendas apart from fulfilling the Emperor of Mankind's will. With lots of faith and goddamn badassery combat skills. 

The fight with the Cultists was brutally good. Quite a few gasp moments. The outcome with the Chaos sorcerer was fitting as the team began to fall apart. 

Titus looks to be the main protagonist for what's to come. Here's hoping Leandros gets his in the end. The sin of envy is strong in the Ultramarines Chaplain. Very strong. If anyone is corrupted it's Leandros. Titus is just a fearless killing machine. 
